Thursday, January 2, 2014

Battle for life, not just to survive, but to thrive

Thanks to all who have read my blog. I hope I have shared helpful information. For the last few months I had to switch my focus to solving a puzzle called Cancer. One that will not take my life but will hurt me just as much. I fight a war for the one I love more than life itself. This was something I had tried to avoid. It is only with the best information and experience that gives us all this power.

A difficult journey that no one should have to deal with, not only cancer, but any life threatening or disabling illness.  If you pray please say a prayer or send a thought my way to win this war. It is possible to win and will take all my attention and effort to focus on a battle that evolves a cell that lives forever. 

For all of you who deal with a similar battle, I wish the best of luck to find a way to beat your "foe". For those who do not have this battle to fight I wish you success in staying healthy so it is never necessary. I look everyday to find the way. Everyday there is a small step forward you can see a smile on my face. When he is doing well I am doing well.

It is only the connections we create and maintain in life that gives us what we need. Profit should not be placed above people. We are all apart of the universe and the universe is part of us. Look for the best way and find your way to the best place in life. Happiness is within reach for each of us. May you find yours each day.

Life is good By Design. 

Happy 2014.