By Cynthia Creel
Help share John's story of hope and John finish healing
Every dollar helps John heal and give hope to all
Can faith be found or created?
The day John was told to go home and enjoy the holidays by the doctor is the day I knew that doctor had just written John off to enjoy what he could and this doctor had no answers and worse had no faith beyond his knowledge that John could survive and thrive a tumor about the size of John's head that had developed over 3 years or so This doctor was so stressed he could not give the complete facts nor directions, he offered worse than a lie, he offered no hope of healing, just the fact he could not see a cure and that meant death This should never happen.
I had not formed Team JOHN yet but the idea of John's Ordinary Healing Now gave me faith healing could happen. Suddenly with no cure John and the family became invisible to many people thought we were crazy and had little to no faith of survival long term or thriving. It was like we did not exist standing right next to someone. Our thoughts and ideas became just a white noise in the back ground there and yet not heard. I had seen this before, I just didn't know how few could see past the large tumor and look at John and the family as people, I knew we were not alone, that those without a faith would need to have faith created not just to help John, to help when there days became dark. Where there is life there faith should follow to keep a door open for conversation other wise words will fall on deaf ears and no support found. Healing is slowed or stopped.
This week alone Team JOHN was told of 4 families that a mother or father or child was just not feeling well for months or years with an answer of you are fine go home and in time a new answer: you are now part of the 40% that develop cancer and most likely will be part of the 22% that will die. This creates another invisible, silent person who most will not see again and only some will come to a memorial to pay the respects. The doctor has no faith so most everyone will have no faith no hope, no belief no life.
Team John looks for real world answers that will help John heal and give hope to all, to believe again. It seems the world looks for a cure and from the last years journey with John of doctor visits who looking for cure to researching hours on end the cure seems to bring some large amounts of profits to some and others no hope of any answers. Each time Team John hears a story of I am terminal or I am managing we wonder why is it terminal or only manageable, where is the healing?
Terminal to us means the doctors and the person has ran out of ideas. In the real world answers it seems there are many options to create healing. Yes, one day we all will die, it is not death that we focus on it is life. If a person is breathing there is a door that has not closed and with death and the closing of the door there can be only a step towards acceptance. This does not mean there is a guarantee of life it means an opportunity of faith to kick in. In science they call it the placebo affect. The real power of faith is the mind will think of questions and search for answers and the mind creates the more powerful the body and brain the more powerful the mind to create faith. Without faith the mind closes, shuts off with no thought of how or why or what can be done. Only I can not instead of how can I?
The question is where did faith in modern times go? We know many attend religious serves and many do not. Each of us see people every day that within the glue of society religion today may miss doing it's job to help show that faith is possible and create faith within. There are many that seek faith and many that say they have faith. In every walk of life I see people who seem to have faith. What I don't see much of is the feeling of faith. It is not the words that are spoken, it is the actions of the body down to the core that emanates faith. Religious or not faith is a necessary part of our lives as humans, it is part of the immune system ready to act when there is nothing to support healing. Faith gives us time to find a way and sometimes it is the way to a full healing. It is a tool as much needed as food for healing. If we do not carry a feeling of faith or if faith has be hijacked by half truths it leaves us with a car and no gas to go. The ideas we are given is there are no answers, you have to live with it steals our very souls. It takes lives everyday and a ripple affect creates darkness where there should be light.
When faith is strong enough better answers appear and the world is not about right or wrong just finding a way to create. It is the only chance may times. When there are new leaders that hold this faith of divers thinking it builds faith, when there are leaders that speak of faith with a funneling down effect of one choice there is a destruction of faith. Hope is build by each of us and leaders like the Pope Frances having faith to find the best way to bring back faith in people and to repair the great divide between groups of people. I see a difference in some and one day it will make a great impact. I see an opportunity of one voice who had faith becoming a choir of voices. With every day of success for John we see people listening and giving hope to create faith to help even in the darkest times to move forward.
We hope you find your faith for faith does not need proof and good science does. All starts with a little faith.
No one should turn invisible,
No family should suffer needlessly.
Thank you for believing.
please feel free to share Johns story to help others believe in themselves. day John was told to go home and enjoy the holidays by the doctor is the day I knew that doctor had just written John off to enjoy what he could and this doctor had no answers and worse had no faith beyond his knowledge that John could survive and thrive a tumor about the size of John's head that had developed over 3 years or so This doctor was so stressed he could not give the complete facts nor directions, he offered worse than a lie, he offered no hope of healing, just the fact he could not see a cure and that meant death This should never happen.
I had not formed Team JOHN yet but the idea of John's Ordinary Healing Now gave me faith healing could happen. Suddenly with no cure John and the family became invisible to many people thought we were crazy and had little to no faith of survival long term or thriving. It was like we did not exist standing right next to someone. Our thoughts and ideas became just a white noise in the back ground there and yet not heard. I had seen this before, I just didn't know how few could see past the large tumor and look at John and the family as people, I knew we were not alone, that those without a faith would need to have faith created not just to help John, to help when there days became dark. Where there is life there faith should follow to keep a door open for conversation other wise words will fall on deaf ears and no support found. Healing is slowed or stopped.
This week alone Team JOHN was told of 4 families that a mother or father or child was just not feeling well for months or years with an answer of you are fine go home and in time a new answer: you are now part of the 40% that develop cancer and most likely will be part of the 22% that will die. This creates another invisible, silent person who most will not see again and only some will come to a memorial to pay the respects. The doctor has no faith so most everyone will have no faith no hope, no belief no life.
Team John looks for real world answers that will help John heal and give hope to all, to believe again. It seems the world looks for a cure and from the last years journey with John of doctor visits who looking for cure to researching hours on end the cure seems to bring some large amounts of profits to some and others no hope of any answers. Each time Team John hears a story of I am terminal or I am managing we wonder why is it terminal or only manageable, where is the healing?
Terminal to us means the doctors and the person has ran out of ideas. In the real world answers it seems there are many options to create healing. Yes, one day we all will die, it is not death that we focus on it is life. If a person is breathing there is a door that has not closed and with death and the closing of the door there can be only a step towards acceptance. This does not mean there is a guarantee of life it means an opportunity of faith to kick in. In science they call it the placebo affect. The real power of faith is the mind will think of questions and search for answers and the mind creates the more powerful the body and brain the more powerful the mind to create faith. Without faith the mind closes, shuts off with no thought of how or why or what can be done. Only I can not instead of how can I?
The question is where did faith in modern times go? We know many attend religious serves and many do not. Each of us see people every day that within the glue of society religion today may miss doing it's job to help show that faith is possible and create faith within. There are many that seek faith and many that say they have faith. In every walk of life I see people who seem to have faith. What I don't see much of is the feeling of faith. It is not the words that are spoken, it is the actions of the body down to the core that emanates faith. Religious or not faith is a necessary part of our lives as humans, it is part of the immune system ready to act when there is nothing to support healing. Faith gives us time to find a way and sometimes it is the way to a full healing. It is a tool as much needed as food for healing. If we do not carry a feeling of faith or if faith has be hijacked by half truths it leaves us with a car and no gas to go. The ideas we are given is there are no answers, you have to live with it steals our very souls. It takes lives everyday and a ripple affect creates darkness where there should be light.
When faith is strong enough better answers appear and the world is not about right or wrong just finding a way to create. It is the only chance may times. When there are new leaders that hold this faith of divers thinking it builds faith, when there are leaders that speak of faith with a funneling down effect of one choice there is a destruction of faith. Hope is build by each of us and leaders like the Pope Frances having faith to find the best way to bring back faith in people and to repair the great divide between groups of people. I see a difference in some and one day it will make a great impact. I see an opportunity of one voice who had faith becoming a choir of voices. With every day of success for John we see people listening and giving hope to create faith to help even in the darkest times to move forward.
We hope you find your faith for faith does not need proof and good science does. All starts with a little faith.
No one should turn invisible,
No family should suffer needlessly.
Thank you for believing.
Thank you for all your support it is because of your kindness we have come so far. You helped give us hope that is needed to heal for John and others. Every dollar helps John live to tell a story of hope.
Dad's and husbands and grandfathers are so important to the family, nothing can quite fill their shoes if they are gone. Every father needs a second chance to heal. IF you are able please give and share John's story to help give others hope of ordinary times of a touch of a barefoot sat upon a coffee table to know we are not only alive, we thrive.
Thank you for believe.
John's Ordinary Healing Now Team
More info: John will heal: a conversation: