Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why every Neighborhood Needs A Few Good Cats To Do Their Job

Why every Neighborhood Needs 
A Few Good Cats To Do Their Job

By Cindy Creel

Some people hate cats and some people love cats, no matter if you dislike or like them we need them in the neighborhood.

In the event of loss of my cat Henry (we are still hoping he will find a way home) and talking to many neighbors I realized without Henry there is a loss in our community that will create a cascading of events. 

Henry came inside almost every night, we kept him healthy, got him fixed and he in return gave our family love, attention, entertainment and healing. What I never dreamed of is how much he gave to others. Each person I asked told me a story of what Henry did they loved, this cat that would only let his family pick him up or pet him never a stranger. Strangers did get great benefits even without petting his soft fur. They would each smile big with the mention of Henry and the smile would turn to sadness with the thought of his loss. 

It was simple Henry did his job. He roamed a small territory and caught and ate gophers, rats, mice and bugs. He chased off stray cats and he gave some people a feeling of life of an air hug of seeing his beauty in the way he walked and did his job to the very best. Henry needed time outside to be healthy and do his job. Everyone loves Henry that lived near him. 

Now I know some didn’t like when they would find poop but they just took care of the minor inconvenient because Henry did his job. The reality is even in pooping he was doing his job that helped keep rodents away and at the very least helped to keep the soil from turning into lifeless dirt. 

Without Henry’s presents it has put our neighborhood at risk. The first that will happen is the rodent and bug population will go up. Too many cats unfixed or strays will move into a new space and will reproduce and start a new cascade of events. They will over eat what is available in food supply and at first that may be good, but when there is no food and too many cats the real issues start happening and the life that was crated by Henry will disappear. Like too many deer at Yellow Stone National park where too many deer changed the course of the rivers and stunted the growth of trees his loss will change our needed actions that will never be as effective as one intelligent, healthy, real world cat named Henry. Henry will never know what he did, he only knew life was good and did what he did every day. 

No one wins when there are too many cats or no cats in a neighborhood. Everyone wins when there are just a few good cats.

Please help your neighborhood with trap and release programs and being an owner that helps their cat live their best by feeding your cat well, getting them fixed and letting them have some outdoor time. 

I keep in my mind the prayer, “Henry come home” I know in the long run Henry had a chance to make a difference in one little neighborhood and that had great impact on many others. That if I had not been the one to pick up this flea bitten kitten he would have most likely been dead over nine years ago with the difference of one little cat could make being lost.

I gave Henry a good strong body, a healthy mind and a home, I will keep looking but for me I know it is what I did for Henry that will help him make it home if he can. 

Thank you for believing. 

Thank you Henry for being. 


P.S. If you liked this article please take time to look at John’s story helping John to heal from a large mass with one mass gone and the other disappearing. Donate to help John finish healing from his large mass and share his story  to give others hope and continue the education to help others help themselves.
Find John's story, help John heal with a donation and give others hope while we help to educate at this link:.

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