Together we can create a cancer free world
If you are reading this you have the power to help John
Both work and play are 4 letter words
A conversation for life,
John's story of hope
creating a change of heart for
a cancer free world
for a better tomorrow
for a better tomorrow
"Flexibility in thought gives us more choices in what is needed to get what to what is wanted, to feel the world's heartbeat." ~ CGCreel
Both Work and Play are 4 Letter words
for a cancer free world
for a cancer free world
by Cynthia G. Creel
Words are interesting they have power to take or give and how they work depends on the person who speaks them and the understanding of the one that is listening. People can kill or heal over one word spoken. It is the power to understand how to use the tools of words and the spoken word that is the key to almost any discovery at a personal level or on a grander scale.
Over the years I have been asked what I did for work, it wasn't always easy for me to describe what I did. I have always thought in terms of doing which makes work and play the same. Both have a purpose to find what we need when we need it. People would say I am going on a vacation and tell how tired they were from play. They were they were drained both ways.
The words took on new meaning of drudgery verses freedom. Hearing the the tales of the excursion the story most often told was it was awesome or lousy with the notation I need a vacation from my vacation. This gave way to why is a 2 week vacation that great if there is just drudgery for the other 50 weeks of the year and over all feeling of being drained or pushed all the time?
Being raised by parents who had great faith and a life style of farming included. The realization came it was not work or play that was important as just being in the moment. Accomplishing a goal and creating a way that worked within nature. Our family had great responsibility to cut wood so my grandparents home could be heated for the winter along with helping grow food in the extra large garden with fruit and nut trees a plenty. There was a grove of 3 acres of Eucalyptus trees out of about 7 acres which wasn't about cutting down the trees as much as trimming the trees to what we needed. Once in a great while we would take a whole tree down to thin an area. When wood cutting season was over there would be knocking the walnut trees of their nuts and in May there would be picking cherries with in between a garden to grow to feed, all with the idea of something needed to be done and there was instant reward and satisfaction that showed up in the real world as a pile of wood or bowl of cherries or even a walk though the woods.
The rest of the time the woods were for playing in shooting the BB gun or cowboy and Indians. The reality was the play wasn't too different from the work if we made a mistake in work a tree could kill or hurt us if we made a mistake in play in a different way a tree could kill us or hurt us. If we were not flexible in our thinking we may miss something and the results would Suddenly change. On the other side of that coin work and play felt almost the same we worked together to accomplish a goal and it was no different than saying what do you want to to now.
It took a long time to find a way in my mind to separate play from work or work from play to tell someone when they asked what work do you do. It took me an even longer time to realize how to tell some one what I do is done 24/7/365 and all is work and all is play.
It is in our ability to create that changes the game and creation is when sudden happens. In farming it is when the seeds first pop out of the soil there is nothing their except Faith until the pale yellow bean sprout breaks though the soil there is no proof it will grow to start or continue to producing beans itself. Only when enough time as passed and there are no pale yellow sprouts that the faith turns to proof requiring once again for faith to step in to find a way. Once the bean sprouts are there than faith comes in to figure out what they need to grow and that they will grow and produce or die. At that point it is to find a way to affect the life before us.
Faith may be the reason why play and work are just a need to find a way. It is often that when I am "playing" an idea pops into my head to solve and issue or create a solution for something not even realized yet. Many time people get chastised for playing at work and working at play, the reality is people discover on their own scheduled and only man has a time table with a concept time comes in a linear form. We pay a great price for boxing people into making a profit. We pay an ever bigger price for play and work not to be productive in creating a solution to a need not a want. It is most likely why we don't solve issue and many times create more than we imagine in modern times of technology being the solution.
Over the years I have been asked what I did for work, it wasn't always easy for me to describe what I did. I have always thought in terms of doing which makes work and play the same. Both have a purpose to find what we need when we need it. People would say I am going on a vacation and tell how tired they were from play. They were they were drained both ways.
The words took on new meaning of drudgery verses freedom. Hearing the the tales of the excursion the story most often told was it was awesome or lousy with the notation I need a vacation from my vacation. This gave way to why is a 2 week vacation that great if there is just drudgery for the other 50 weeks of the year and over all feeling of being drained or pushed all the time?
Being raised by parents who had great faith and a life style of farming included. The realization came it was not work or play that was important as just being in the moment. Accomplishing a goal and creating a way that worked within nature. Our family had great responsibility to cut wood so my grandparents home could be heated for the winter along with helping grow food in the extra large garden with fruit and nut trees a plenty. There was a grove of 3 acres of Eucalyptus trees out of about 7 acres which wasn't about cutting down the trees as much as trimming the trees to what we needed. Once in a great while we would take a whole tree down to thin an area. When wood cutting season was over there would be knocking the walnut trees of their nuts and in May there would be picking cherries with in between a garden to grow to feed, all with the idea of something needed to be done and there was instant reward and satisfaction that showed up in the real world as a pile of wood or bowl of cherries or even a walk though the woods.
The rest of the time the woods were for playing in shooting the BB gun or cowboy and Indians. The reality was the play wasn't too different from the work if we made a mistake in work a tree could kill or hurt us if we made a mistake in play in a different way a tree could kill us or hurt us. If we were not flexible in our thinking we may miss something and the results would Suddenly change. On the other side of that coin work and play felt almost the same we worked together to accomplish a goal and it was no different than saying what do you want to to now.
It took a long time to find a way in my mind to separate play from work or work from play to tell someone when they asked what work do you do. It took me an even longer time to realize how to tell some one what I do is done 24/7/365 and all is work and all is play.
It is in our ability to create that changes the game and creation is when sudden happens. In farming it is when the seeds first pop out of the soil there is nothing their except Faith until the pale yellow bean sprout breaks though the soil there is no proof it will grow to start or continue to producing beans itself. Only when enough time as passed and there are no pale yellow sprouts that the faith turns to proof requiring once again for faith to step in to find a way. Once the bean sprouts are there than faith comes in to figure out what they need to grow and that they will grow and produce or die. At that point it is to find a way to affect the life before us.
Faith may be the reason why play and work are just a need to find a way. It is often that when I am "playing" an idea pops into my head to solve and issue or create a solution for something not even realized yet. Many time people get chastised for playing at work and working at play, the reality is people discover on their own scheduled and only man has a time table with a concept time comes in a linear form. We pay a great price for boxing people into making a profit. We pay an ever bigger price for play and work not to be productive in creating a solution to a need not a want. It is most likely why we don't solve issue and many times create more than we imagine in modern times of technology being the solution.
Cancer happens Suddenly and just as Suddenly the body can heal. The question is how much, in what combination of faith and action is needed to find a way to create Sudden in a positive way? What is needed and when?
Team JOHN (John's Ordinary Healing Now) does just that we work/play 24/7/365 to find a way not just for John who was identified with a head size sarcoma. for everyone to be able to have a strophic cast cascading healing to match the person to the need with man made a back up plan until we can create a way.
"Anyone can Google the facts, it is only when we can analyze and make connections that works in the real world, to be creative enough to find a way." ~ CGCreel
can create the image of health,
then there is a chance to heal."
The answer is held in what we can not see,
a Mind @Work.
Thanks for believing!
It takes, hope, faith and funds to create healing.
If you are reading you have the power to help John.
Please donate and share at:>
Google johnwillheal
a Mind @Work.
Thanks for believing!
It takes, hope, faith and funds to create healing.
If you are reading you have the power to help John.
Please donate and share at:>
Google johnwillheal
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and support to heal John
and help create a cancer free world for all!
"If the battle is lost in the mind
it is lost in the real world until the mind can create the image of health,
then there is a chance to heal."
~ CGCeel
Today John easily sees himself fully healed and even his walk is different. The body is building and this is just one tool to use in the fight to be normal. There is still much healing left to do with a mass still dying and yet it is not gone and considered large. Every day it is about finding a way to heal John and create a way that can be used for many, starting with visualization of hope and faith. Maybe the truth may lie at the point if the battle is lost in the mind it is lost in the real world for all that we do. Thanks for believing~ Choice life grow organic heirloom food or buy organic heirloom food. You deserve a chance to live your full years maybe even 120 of them. |
John's Apollo 13 mission to fully heal from what is left of an identified large sarcoma to survive and to thrive:
John has been identified with an extra large, now large sarcoma. Their really isn't a choice of traditional methods and with that we created John's ordinary healing now, a cascade healing that is working in the real world, it is a real world solution for many. We just need support from hugs to funds to help John fully heal and that take a thought that moves to an action to help.
together we can beat the odds and give everyone a
John has been identified with an extra large, now large sarcoma. Their really isn't a choice of traditional methods and with that we created John's ordinary healing now, a cascade healing that is working in the real world, it is a real world solution for many. We just need support from hugs to funds to help John fully heal and that take a thought that moves to an action to help.
together we can beat the odds and give everyone a
fighting chance at real life
Real world answers today creating stories for tomorrows world: For a Cancer Free World!
We have the solutions, John's body is healing and life is happening and moving from surviving to thriving. Just like a bone that is healing, it takes a full healing for full weight and activities can be done without damage.
John will heal fully one day at time under the watch full eyes that see the good, the bad and the ugly, until he is able and ready to do it for himself. In 30 years the oncologist at
UC Davis said only 2 patients have gotten rid of their cancer on their own, together we can make John the 3rd. Thanks again for your good thoughts, prayers and support.
Thanks for believing!
Thank you for believing!
Together we can make a difference that works in the real world!
Every dollar spent is to help John heal and
Together we can make a difference that works in the real world!
Oh My! Monkey Mind or Elephant Intelligent?Every dollar spent is to help John heal and
create a road map to healing for all.
It takes about $100 per day to keep John on track a far cry of the most cancer drugs on the market today.
This give John the best chance to fully heal and
It takes about $100 per day to keep John on track a far cry of the most cancer drugs on the market today.
This give John the best chance to fully heal and
Real world answers today creating stories for tomorrows world: For a Cancer Free World!
We have the solutions, John's body is healing and life is happening and moving from surviving to thriving. Just like a bone that is healing, it takes a full healing for full weight and activities can be done without damage.
John will heal fully one day at time under the watch full eyes that see the good, the bad and the ugly, until he is able and ready to do it for himself. In 30 years the oncologist at
UC Davis said only 2 patients have gotten rid of their cancer on their own, together we can make John the 3rd. Thanks again for your good thoughts, prayers and support.
Thanks for believing!
John's ordinary Healing now.
Our goal: John to heal
and help create
a cancer free world
Team JOHN has real world solutions
that are working now.
The insurance company will
let John die instead
paying for what he needs
This should never happen
and yet it does every day
John must survive to
keep our family whole
while giving feed back to doctor's and nurses
answering all their questions
to have hope beyond drugs.
Real World Solutions.
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