Friday, January 16, 2015

Does Social injustice of cancer exist when empathy is over shadowed by blame?

Does Social injustice of cancer exist 
 empathy is over shadowed by blame?
There is a solution that works for both

Together we can create a cancer free world
If you are reading this you have the power to help John 

1-13-2015 by Cynthia G. Creel

Help John live
Google johnwillheal

A conversation for life, John's story of hope
creating a change of heart
for a better tomorrow for all

                                                               Quiz to help John:
Oh My! Monkey Mind or Elephant Intelligent?

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and support to heal John
and help create a cancer free world for all!

"Social injustice exists
 empathy is over shadowed by blame ." 
~ CGCeel

Does Social injustice of cancer exist 
 empathy is over shadowed by blame? 

Famed folksinger, storyteller McCutcheon, John and Team John 1-15-2015
Right to left John Mccutcheon, Cindy, John, Ashley and Kelly (part of Team JOHN)

We thought we had covered all the bases, over come so many obstetrical, prepared for a long life until the day John Cearley, the love of my life was identified with a head size sarcoma cancer hidden neatly in the abdominal cavity right between the hip bones. The impact of the real world does not exist on thinking alone, it is like a pass fail test it is what you mark on the answer sheet that tells if we will pass or fail.

Over the last year and a few months, We have come to see how much of a social injustice this identified sarcoma is wrapped around life threatening health issues with few traditional answers. We all pay a price. The shadow effects of the drug industry, insurance, company, corporations and miss information all seem to hold back the creativity and excitement for healing a person in exchange for a sure thing of profit. Profit is needed by everyone, the only question is how much has profit held back accomplishing the goal of conversation, communication and healing?
Shocked to learn:

The day John and I were out for a walk and the neighbor said, "We are at the sarcoma clinic with Stanford, that's where you are too?" was the day that I realized it was not what we knew that held John from healing  as much as what we didn't know. No one at Stanford had told us of any Stanford Sarcoma Clinic just down the road by 10 minutes. The invisible effects of a non physical action controlling the outcome of the physical in this case elimination of the mass held in John's body that was holding tight to the war within over bio chemistry that no one addressed no matter how many questions asked.  

Blame vs Empathy:

If you haven't watched the video above take a minute and watch. I find when we have no room for empathy blame takes over that is is someones fault that they did something wrong and it is always in their control.

Most often life is not about doing what is right or wrong, it is figuring it out from mistakes we make in living. It is only when we connect a that we may it find it easy enough to over come.

Often times there the thought a person did something wrong and they now have cancer is most likely a self defense step to protect from what is too painful for a person to think about. It kind of makes it easy.

 With cancer I see people blame things like smoking, stress, diet or family history. Who knows what. The reality is the reason why may be complicate, the answer starts with empathy to take action, to give hope and faith to find a way to heal. Once cancer has knocked on the door and has made itself at home, the only thing that matters in the real world is to figure a way to heal and move forward. Blame only delays the healing. Empathy speeds up the thoughts to find a way. 

Life saving by storytelling and song: 

For the last 14 years on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's birth, January 15, 1929 we have gathered to see John McCutcheon a folk singer and storyteller. The effect of healing was in the air for John remembering a time before a mass in his belly existed. My John, the love of my life sat, smiled, tapped his foot and sang along to gain a memory of the feeling as if no mass existed in him. I could see a difference in my John last night and and the feeling is still in John's step this morning. The thought of one favorite song runs through our heads has been with us from the beginning, giving us a way to know we are not alone and what we do in our ordinary everyday life matters not only for us, for all:
The fight for life starts with a hope of a future.
Time for a new goal 1999 to 2014 at  John McCutcheon's concert be there next year!!!!!

Step By Step

Step by step the longest march can be won,
 can be won

Many stones can form an arch, 
singly none, singly none

And by union what we will 
can be accomplished still

Drops of water turn a mill, singly none, 
singly none.

So does Social injustice of cancer exist when empathy is over shadowed by blame? We say yes when life that is lost because of no conversations, ego or profit a family pays the greatest cost and it over flows into society for the loss of hope and faith makes healing impractical and cold with no reason to live life will sises to exist as we want it to be. 
Ashley hoping daddy lives. John  happy he is still there to give her hugs for her for today and tomorrow. 
John's Apollo 13 mission to fully heal from what is left of an identified large sarcoma to survive and to thrive:

John has been identified with an extra large, now large sarcoma. Their really isn't a choice of traditional methods and with that we created John's ordinary healing now, a cascade healing that is working in the real world, it is a real world solution for many. We just need support from hugs to funds to help John fully heal and that take a thought that moves to an action to help.

together we can beat the odds and give everyone a 
fighting chance at real life
Thank you for believing!

Together we can make a difference that works in the real world!

Every dollar spent is to help John heal and
 create a road map to healing for all.

It takes about $100 per day to keep John on track a far cry of the  most cancer drugs on the market today.
This give John the best chance to fully heal and 
help others to have hope of their own.

Please donate if you are able at:

 Quiz to help John:

Real world answers today creating stories for tomorrows world: For a Cancer Free World!

We have the solutions, John's body is healing and life is happening and moving from surviving to thriving. Just like a bone that is healing, it takes a full healing for full weight and activities can be done without damage.

John will heal fully one day at time under the watch full eyes that see the good, the bad and the ugly, until he is able and ready to do it for himself. In 30 years the oncologist at 

UC Davis said only 2 patients have gotten rid of their cancer on their own, together we can make John the 3rd. Thanks again for your good thoughts, prayers and support.
Thanks for believing!

John's ordinary Healing now.

Our goal: John to heal 
and help create 
a cancer free world

Team JOHN has real world solutions 
that are working now.

The insurance company will
let John die instead
paying for what he needs

This should never happen
and yet it does every day
John must survive to 
keep our family whole 
while giving feed back to doctor's and nurses
answering all their questions
to have hope beyond drugs.

Real World Solutions.


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