Friday, December 19, 2014

All Dark Happiness Comes With a Price

12-19-2014 by Cynthia G. Creel 
Google johnwillheal
A conversation for life, John's story of hope
creating a change of heart
We need supplies
so John can stay on track!
Please help need $600 now
Thank you for believing!

I looked at the empty plate and I felt happy, John was happy. I realized this happiness was different, Satiated! A light and airy happiness. With a light there always seems to be a darkness..... Dark Happiness.

For many years John and our families life was filled with a dark happiness. It left us with a big smile on our faces. an empty feeling inside searching for a feeling life. With John's body creating a mass identified as a head size sarcoma cancer I found John always looking for happiness and most often it was the dark kind created by a picture, a word, a food, or a his very thought which creates a negative in the long run. . 

We are all able to create all kinds of happiness one that is light and helps the body heal or calm like a kitty purring on a lap. Or a dark happiness that is forever at the edge creating a want in life that will never be filled.

Dark Happiness is a happiness that does the typical thing of making a person laugh or smile and feel happy with a bio chemistry that is hurting the person. 

Dark Happiness - an activity or food that creates a negative impact on the bio chemistry supporting only a temporary happiness in place of a lifetime of happiness which may lead to a catastrophic event such as cancer or lack of ability to build new brain cells or connections. it is a feeling of happiness that never lasts. 

The question:

Is there a time that you feel a dark happiness that is only a want and never can fill you up inside?

Team JOHN has real world solutions 
that are working now.

The insurance company will
let John die instead
paying for what he needs

This should never happen
and yet it does every day
John must survive to 
keep our family whole 
while giving feed back to doctor's and nurses
answering all their questions
to have hope beyond drugs.

Real World Solutions.
Please answer 10 questions to help us help John Monkey Minds or Elephant Intelligence?

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