Monday, February 11, 2013

“80 years of Hell or Heaven? Longest Marriage” ~ Cynthia G. Creel

“80 years of Hell or Heaven? Longest Marriage”
 ~ Cynthia G. Creel 

Love! Love makes the world go round or stops it dead in it’s tracks. Valentine’s day is just around the corner for those who are in love or want to be in love a day to celebrate that love.

All this love started me thinking about how do people stay together happily? Do they stay together and if they stay are together are they unhappy or divorce and search for happiness in another place with another person? I have seen many people together for years and yet they are arguing and unhappy today, living the  past decades unhappy with the memory of starting happy with the “I do” said dreamily into each others eyes. Most feel as if they can not life with out the other person when they get married, if this feeling does not change then the marriage has a chance to last for years with true happiness being created like in the marriage of  “John and Ann Betar, of Fairfield, Conn., celebrate their 80th anniversary…  John's now 101 years old and Ann is 97, and they're still living in their home along the Fairfield shore,( Conn., USA)”  as reported by Seattle Times. (1)

Amazing 8 decades together as one, might bring the  question to mind of  why? Or may just think they are just the lucky ones that made it in age and marriage, till death do us part.  Do they live in a hell or heaven? A minute in hell can be an eternity while a minute in heaven is never enough.

When it comes to relationships I think there is very little luck evolved. If a couple is doing thing that help them grow together they move forward together, if they aren't they move away from each other until the marriage collapse upon it‘s own weight. One or both become needy with mostly a take, take, take demand that leads to a down ward spiral with people wondering why they can’t get along. While the others give, give, give and both increase their inner strength as each person and as a couple.

This golden relationship effect doesn't only happen between married couples it is here every day, we see it, feel it and need it. We are left being drained needing more or being filled over capacity with plenty to share with others. Most are totally unaware of what is going on and only left with feeling of need or feelings of giving. The couple that stays together happy, aged to around 100, living in their own home and having a bond that is stronger today then the day that were married is what most  want, but few find.

For the average person to live to around 100 is almost impossible given the environmental forces that most deal with today. Only if we are on a true path of heath can we counter act the environment. It is said with significant evidence to support the idea around ever decade we have a new chemistry in our bodies to work with. If we do nothing to counteract this natural chain of events, gaining extra weight, no energy, foggy thinking, cravings for sweets, vertical crease in the ear lobe, etc we are doomed to a downward spiral unless the choice to step onto the path of True Health is taken. The side effect to a path of True Healthy is the body tends to live longer, if we live longer and are healthier, we feel better and make better choices, if we make better choices we have a better chance to stay together as a couple and if we stay together as a couple, couples tend to have more sex, having more consensual sex in a monogamous relationship is an indicator  both partners are healthier, culminating in a possible happy marriage that can last for 80 years or longer. If some one is married happily, however is unhealthy then there are higher odds of developing heart disease, cancer or diabetes the likelihood of creating an 80 year marriage is very low if not impossible. The heart may be willing or the body may be will, it is only when the heart and the body are willing that gives us the most out of life.

The best place to start to find that True Happiness with another is to step onto the path of True Health, it gives the best odds of making better choices to find what you want. There is always more than one way to find what we want, there usually is only one best way to get the most out of life. Happy Valentines day, just a few days early hopefully, for those who celebrate to think of the best gift ever, maybe that isn't candy full of processed sugar. A gift of the heart to help a couple give and grow together. May every one find their true love through a chance meeting or a "blind" date arranged  by others, may all the couples in the wold find the path of True Health leading them to True Happiness and a long life together. A  success together of  happiness and peace within.

By Design ~ “Life is good By Design.”

all rights reserved ©2013
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide marital or couples advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel.


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