Monday, February 18, 2013

“Cancer sparking an almost unquenchable wild fire in the body”
 ~  Cynthia G. Creel 

Just the word cancer struck fear in my young heart, it put a knot in my stomach to match no other.  I was just 23 a young adult as I watched the life drain from mother’s body slowly over 6 months. At first there was hope the cancer treatments were helping and then they just stopped working. From that point on it was a slow progression of the body struggling to do what it was designed to do, except it no longer had the tools to work with to self correct.  Some of the body’s cells were way out of control taking over the function of the body creating a wave that would wipe out one of the most important people in my life. In just a few months she would only be a memory.

As she passed on I was happy for the struggle to be over and yet I was left with an emptiness that could only be filled with shadows of memories of her in my life. The glue that once bonded us as a family dissolved letting us free, to flap in the wind. Until I had my children then some cohesiveness of the family returned. By then there was a new “enemy of the state” the unhealthy life styles were taking hold and made life difficult to function normally. Time would march on until I had lost my father, my closest aunts and uncles. Most everyone older in the family, except one Aunt and Uncle. It is difficult to creep up on becoming the eldest of the family at an early age.

I have spent a life time of studying to understand that one the largest threat to human life is not from a disease from a virus or bacterium. It is the bodies inability to repair and self correct. My best description of the consequences of this action in the body is aging having little to do with the rusting happening within the body just a simple fact of becoming unhealthy. The body malfunctions leading to one possibility of cancer cells growing from repeated attacks of viruses or the environment with a lack of defense to keep everything running normally. Prevention is always easies, rather then having to stop the wild fire of an actual cancer. Almost like putting out a spark rather than a forest fire that has turned wild.

The newest study from the UK (1) has offered us a new incite that alcohol causes the body to develop cancer. They do not know how much is the tipping point, just that an increase in consumption increased the chances of developing cancer along with the type of alcohol increasing the risk. Too much alcohol for the body to handle is  just any other way of many that takes the body away from True Health leaving it needy and helpless to defend from cancer.

Of course the most anyone can do is to minimize the risk and the likely hood of the unthinkable to happen is at a minimum also. The good part is there has been great advancements if cancer is developed. Better yet the ability to prevent has also increased.  It is said that by the time most reach 70 all people have cancer cells in their thyroid yet these cancers remain harmless until the day they are activated. The activation could be the alcohol that is drank or 1001 one reasons. The best defense against this is to step on the path of True health making the body the best warrior it can be defending against the weakness the environment places on the body and building it strong enough to defend against almost anything.

One of the best ways of making the body stronger is to maintain normal levels of vitamin D3 a medical professional should be consulted and a blood test is required to confirm the level of vitamin D3 in the body. True Health helps maintain a successful life of happiness and peace within allowing movement forward together. Lessen the chances of hearing those words that strike fear in the hearts of many, “You have cancer.” If there is no active cancer then the elimination of the stress of having to tell some one you love the news is eliminated altogether. Helping leave the most impact on our lives in our hands.

By Design ~ “Life is good By Design.”

all rights reserved ©2013 written permission is needed to duplicate
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel. Consultation of a medical professional is highly recommended before any changes are considered.


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