Friday, February 22, 2013

“Success in the eyes of the beholder” ~ Cynthia G. Creel

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“Success in the eyes of the beholder” ~ Cynthia G. Creel

As I looked both ways I judged that it was clear to cross the 4 lanes of traffic. I started to cross and felt an unnatural presents of a  powerful object just outside my door, a car just a few feet away from impacting my car door. This was the last moments before the impact would shove my door in by 18 full inches, not killing me, but changing me for life. Not in a bad way, luckily, in a better way. 

The underlying issue wrapped around my ability to judge and others abilities to do the same. It told me it was ok to cross. The reality was the sky was darkened with rain clouds, the sun was just peeking above the horizon, the car that hit me was primer gray with not head lights illuminated and me affected by the modern world in a negative way leaving me with a judgment that was impaired just enough to change what I saw and what I did that morning.  The results leaving me with a broken body from the impact of a car I should not have been near. For the other driver the judgment to drive in a car that blended well in to  the streets with no headlights on to help visibility of the car, luckily created just a headache to take care of in the long run. A car that could be repaired and no injuries to speak of and a life changed with a very damaged body and car that would drive no more. 

Of course I paid a larger price, months of pain to become normal again and totaling the car were a large price, but I still had breath in my body. It was a small price to pay considering all that could have happened. One life change helped by the fact of walking every day that I am sure contributed to less damage on my body. No broken bones, I could walk, barley, but I could walk.

The life style I had chosen, like many Americans had made me weak in many ways and the largest effect is it stole my judgment away. I didn't die that day. I thought I was from the moment I say the car a few feet away to the moment I sat in the car and wondered if any of my main blood vessels had ruptured letting me live for only a  few more minutes. As minutes passed the thought I was going to die right them also subsided leaving me with just questions of when would I be normal again or would I be normal again. The answer would only come over time and lots of it. 

There was no money for physical therapy and I did not even go to the hospital. Unwisely, I knew insurance would not cover everything and the last two major events in my life cost over $20,000 with insurance. I got lucky there wasn't anything wrong enough that I was not able to handle to returning to a life of normally walking freely again.

Looking back on that day I realize poor judgment influenced by many factors  created something that should have never existed. Judgment is neither poor or good, it is what it is. Poor judgment is created by many factors that surround it not accounted for. One event of poor judgment does not create a low quality of life, a life time of events add up to low or high quality of life. True Judgment is created when we take in account many events that many aspects are taken into consideration before an act is created. In my case it was easy to see poor judgment on both counts that created  a large problem for both, more me then him. 

Poor judgment of  life is no different than an event. Poor judgment of life is determined with only a thought of how much money is made, how much educations  is accomplished, how many things that are owned or how many place we have seen. True judgment only takes the factors that allow a person to become successful in life with happiness and peace within that may include all or none of these factors listed above. 

Always a judgment of how deep the feeling runs of happiness and peace within is the final factor when life is coming to an end, of just dying or dying with the knowledge of having become the best that you could be. For no matter what, one day we all must die, it is how we live that counts the most, who we helped along the way to help themselves and most importantly how we helped ourselves to help themselves, to move forward together.  

We can show good judgment, teach good judgment, but to truly have good judgment usually is created by being on a path of True Health. I know of no other way to create a mind body connection that allows us to create as good judgment over a life time, not only for events, but life itself. To allow us the ability to take in all the facts and decide what is the best path for everyone, for yourself. 

For me on that day of gifts and destruction, this beholder saw the clouds, the light, the traffic, yet did not register the primer gray car traveling 40 MPH towards me, to change my judgment at that moment and time from good to bad. To know there was not enough power in my car to accelerate enough to cross the street and avoid others on the road. In my mind there was no car to deal with, it was invisible blending into the scenery leading me down a path of judgment I felt was good, only to realize too late, it was not and forever changing my life. 

By Design ~ “Life is good By Design”

Photo by Cynthia G. Creel all rights reserved ©2013
 By Design Farm spring time red onions growing on the farm. 

all rights reserved ©2013 written permission is needed to duplicate
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel. Consultation of a medical professional is highly recommended before any changes are considered.

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