“I just have a headache pass the …” ~ Cynthia G. Creel
The effects were great and all I could do was sit and watch, there was nothing else to be done. I had changed half the water and yet they were still dying. I would watch and wait until only one fish in my 10 gallon aquarium would survive my mistake as a 10 year old had devastating consequences.
I had accidentally picked up the container that had contamination of chemicals in it from plants being fertilized to who know what my mom had poured into it. Invisible to the eye yet so deadly. The look alike container had no evidence it would be so devastating to my fish until I had filled it with water and poured it into the tank. With in minutes the effects showed with fish slowing and dying then floating to the top continuing over the next 24 hours. I believe the only actions of quickly changing out half the water was what spared one fish.
Small amounts of environmental influences make large effects on us all. If an 81 mg baby aspirin having positive massive side affect of being an anti inflammatory that helping the body to prevent a heart attack then the negative could be just as harmful. It is pounded into our heads that we need to take the correct amount of any drug or there could be consequences. The warning from my local pharmacist is never take anyone else’s prescription because it wasn’t prepared for you with body weight being only one factor to affect the results. The question could be asked how much is too much?
Fish are amazing they absorb substances right from the water that either help or hurt them allowing us to learn from those reactions. A new study reported in the article PHARMAWATER IPharmaceuticals found in drinking water, affecting wildlife and maybe humans, by Jeff Donn, Martha Mendoza and Justin Pritchard, Associated Press Writers tell the story of the pharmaceuticals affecting the water supply. It doesn’t take to long to find the negative affects of adding small amounts of pharmaceuticals or chemicals to the water supply. New studies have detected “more than 100 differed pharmaceuticals” (3) in everything from rivers to reservoirs throughout the world from Australia to the North sea to Europe to Canada even the Swiss lakes. Even more concerning is the idea that chlorine, commonly used to help keep water safe can make some pharmaceuticals more toxic. (3)
The idea that a pharmaceutical ingested in the body just used and excess being eliminated and disappearing is becoming evident it sticks around for much longer affecting so much of the water supply and wild life.
“A German study showed 10 percent of the steroid passed right through the animals” (3) while in the Us Male fathead minnows living down stream from a feed lot had “low testosterone levels and small heads.” The severity and range of the effects not only on the wild life also humans with research showing even small amounts of medication affecting kidney cells to grow too slowly, breast cancer cells proliferated too fast and blood cells activity associated with inflammation. (3)
Just in the United States the Health and Nutrition U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012, National Health Expenditures—Summary shows us not only that we are using a large amount of prescription drugs in the past and only increasing in the present, from 1960 at $2,700,000,000 increasing in 2009 to a whopping $249,900,000,000 (2)
It seems in America and around the world we love our drugs. FDA reports as in Table 2008 Estimated Use of Selected Drugs by State: 2007 to 2008 shows the use of any illicit drug from Marijuana to tobacco as 19,966,000 users. (2) Any way you cut it in just the U.S. there is a lot of use. No matter where it comes from it the body doesn’t use it eliminates it into the environment affecting us all.
I have often heard people say when taking a drug. “I am not hurting anybody.” A statement of a person that doesn’t understand how to stop what they are doing and change to a better way for their body and the environment. The idea many people need drugs to function and maintain health is only exacerbated more in the Untied States with advertising the prescriptions that are available for sale and use. TV commercials are so effective 3.8 million dollars are spent on one 30 second spot in the Super Bowl. They are like mini movies that move people to buy or think a certain way. Advertising works on humans that is a fact. It is said that the ads for prescription drugs are to help the viewer be more informed. My question is for what purpose so the consumer will ask for a drug by name or that it is available if needed?
We buy regardless of what information is offered even a list of side effects won’t deter some from buying. According to The New York Times article I disclose…. Nothing by Elisabeth Rosenthal “When the Food and Drug Administration in the 1990s first mandated that drug makers list medicines’ side effects in order to advertise prescription drugs, there was a firestorm of protest from the industry. Now the litany of side effects that follows every promotion is so mind-numbing — drowsiness, insomnia, loss of appetite, weight gain — as to make the message meaningless.” (4) This seems to have made people oblivious to the real dangers of taking a powerful drug that can change the body to relive symptoms or create a side effect as large as death.
With even doctors jumping on the band wagon to endorse brand name drugs has created a new set of challenges prompting the Federal Drug Administration to respond by requiring an accounting of money paid or gifts paid to physicians with the Medpac advising the Congress on Medicare issues reporting From the Public reporting of physicians’ financial relationships , march 2009
“Requiring manufacturers to publicly report their financial relationships with physicians and other health care organizations should have several important benefits. It could discourage physicians from accepting gifts or payments that violate professional guidelines. It would help media and researchers shed light on physician–industry relationships and explore whether manufacturers and physicians are complying with industry and professional standards. In addition, CMS and other payers could use this information
to examine whether physicians’ practice patterns are influenced by their
relationships with industry. “ (5)
There is much that can be done to help protect us through government act such as increasing the power of the FDA so the FDA “can detain food if it believes that the food is adulterated or misbranded. The agency can keep the products out of the marketplace for a maximum of 30 days while the agency determines whether to take further enforcement action, such as seizure.” (7)
These actions help in a small and yet large way. The real power comes from the masses. If the masses are more healthy they need less drugs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, in fact in most cases if drugs are illuminated by a path of True Health then the effects will be less. If you don’t uses any drugs then no excess unused drugs will not show in your by product of urine or feces. It can’t hurt humans or wild life if it isn’t there.
Prescription drugs most likely will always be a part of life, the fewer the better. The use of any pharmaceutical drug should be considered as an emergency use only. I have found there are much better ways most of the time to deal with the pains and body not functioning at a optimal level than a pharmaceutical grade drug or over the counter man made drug. I have found the healthier a person is the less likely there is a need for a powerful pharmaceutical drug to help their body deal with symptoms. The more likely there are no symptoms at all and the body does what it is designed to do, function normally.
The idea of looking for better ways and be self correcting is always the first choice. If we do not change the world will change because of us. We will no longer have a human friendly endowment, the Earth potentially could become a more hostile environment that maybe host to only a few living organizes that most likely will not include most of or any of the 7 billion people on this Earth. The Earth like the body can handle only so much abuse before it collapses or changes beyond repair. The good part is the Earth can be self correcting as much as the human body and positive changes like less drugs helps everyone and everything just a little better.
The most anyone can do is change what they are doing and know it is making a difference. If billions change just a little then it all adds up to a better world and a better you.
By Design ~ “Life is good By Design”
Photo by Cynthia G. Creel fossilized creatures from the Earth's past
Note: There has been no suggestion that anyone person should stop or change their current lifestyle including prescription drugs or over the counter drugs. No prescription or non prescription drug should be stopped without consulting your professional medical provider. Each person is unique in body chemistry and the effects of the environment should be considered including the a consult their medical provisional before any change in lifestyle or drug usage. Each person is responsible to find out what is best for themselves. We suggest that a medical consultation should be sot out before a change happens if a change is desired. including consultation with a medical professional.
all rights reserved ©2013 written permission is needed to duplicate
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel.
(1) http://hosted.ap.org/specials/interactives/pharmawater_site/day1_01.html
(2) http://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/12statab/health.pdf
(3) http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2012/02/15/maybe-its-time-for-drug-companies-to-drop-tv-ads/
(4) http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/sunday-review/hard-truths-about-disclosure.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all&
(5) http://www.medpac.gov/chapters/Mar09_Ch05.pdf
(6) http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/PrescriptionDrugAdvertising/UCM076768.htm
(7) http://www.fda.gov/Food/NewsEvents/ConstituentUpdates/ucm337693.htm
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