Unapproved GE Wheat found in Oregon
may cost millions or billions
Have we opened Pandora's box?
~ Cynthia G. Creel
My story:
As I walk along the rows of freshly planted seed and growing vegetables I spot them. Plants that just seem to grow from no where. Wild flowers and tomatoes plants just pop up everywhere. The bugs and insects are no different I have seen more variety this year then ever before. Bugs with orange on black, black on orange, white on black, blue on black, white on green, and the list seems to be end less. I have no idea where they come from. It is nature working her hardest to keep life going. It is her job and she does it well.
When we find an unapproved genetically engineered plants, better known as a genetically modified organism (GMO) just growing out in nature I have to question do we really know what we are doing and if it is the wrong way will it be correctable in the long run?
Nature does what it does, just like any tool. When I used to work remodeling kitchens, I was the detail person and the best instructions I was given was “Tools do what they do. They will cut the wood or your finger off. The tool does what it is made to do, cut.” I have all ten finger today and only put a small finishing nail though one finger in the 10 years I worked on kitchens and bathrooms. My painful mistake that I learned from, but could not undo once it was done.
The very large news of the week is the discovery of an unapproved GMO (genetically modified organism) wheat found in Oregon, USA just growing in a farmers field. There could be very large consequences to the landscape of the Untied States and the economic impact may have far reaching impacts.
USDA new release on unapproved GE wheat found in Oregon:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (1) released a statement on May 29, 2013 that test results confirmed a possible presents of genetically engineered (GE) or GM glyphosate-resistant wheat plants once produced by Monsanto found on a farm in Oregon. The GE wheat was a wheat developed by Monsanto who tested the wheat from 1998 to 2005 in 16 states. The USDA doesn't consider this a threat to humans. Today there are no GE wheat varieties are not approved for sale or in commercial productions in the United States or else where at this time. A formal investigation has been ordered by the USDA and if violations are found the authorities could seek a civil penalties up to $1,000,000 and/or criminal penalties.
Monsanto missed some GE wheat destroyed grown between 1998 to 2005 in 16 states:
The Guardian (3) reported the farmer from Oregon found GE wheat between harvest. The farm workers sprayed the herbicide gloyphoste (found in Roundup manufactured by Monsanto) to kill the unwanted plants and they didn't die after being sprayed (a sign of a GE). The Oregon State was contacted to find out if this wheat was an GE resistant to herbicides.
The test confirmed a Monsanto connection. The wheat may be a strain developed and tested by Monsanto between 1998 and 2005 in over 100 approved fields (by the USDA) to resist it’s herbicides like roundup. The biotech company had applied for permission from the USDA to develop the GE wheat but later pulled its application. The GE wheat was test grown in 16 states including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming.
How GE’s can spread:
It is currently not understood how the GE wheat ended up growing in a field in Oregon. GE’s can be spread like any other plant through wild life or cross pollination.
GE and cancer study:
All thought the reaches for the study out of France I wrote about in a previous article (4) didn't test the rodents with a GE wheat, they did find rats exposed to a GE grain developed tumors and died early.
Large fines and larger cash flow:
In a previous article (4) I reported that Monsanto’s cash flow from operations for the first half of the fiscal year 2013 nearly $1.9 billion. If they are fined the maximum of $1,000,000 it seems it might not affect the company enough to change their practices of continuing to develop GE products.
The Wheat industry may loose billions:
According to Reuters (5) in the past other unapproved grains, like corn and rice, ended up in the market place with billions of dollars lost. One company paid a fine in 2011 of $750 million. With Asia importing 40 million tons of wheat per year about one third of the global trade around 150 million tons with the Untied States the number one supplier of wheat. It could cost billions and disrupt the import/export business if GE wheat is discovered wide spread affecting the global economy.
Final words:
It is clear to me we may have opened Pandora’s box described in a Greek myth when Pandora was told not to open a box. She could not resist and opened the box releasing to the world that held Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease. This Pandora’s box may hold a simple seed of GE wheat that may just release a global devastation in the long run costing us billions. If this seed growing on a farm was not part of the normal food chain how deep does the cross contamination run? We many never know for sure and may loose our ability to keep uncontaminated crops available. If we do not buy it they will not produce it.
The last item to leave Pandora’s box was Hope. I still have hope this out of control experiment can be contained. It will take major changes in attitude that GE’s can be controlled easily to one that works with nature rather then trying to control nature. It is up to us all to help changes take place. Using our voices and money can shape our future for the better.
The more proactive we can all become the more likely the negative results in life can be avoided. Stand up tall with an upright posture and be proactive. The solution helps to keep moving the best direction is to step onto the path of True Health. Discover a new world. Help yourself, help the world, step on to the Path of True Health and vote with your dollars company you want to support to create a world you will love to live in. I do, and I like the world I am helping to create. Together we can create a better life for all to remember over their entire lifetime Together we can protect what we have so we don’t need to live in a world that is second rate.
By Design ~ “Life is good By Design”
Photo creation by Cynthia G. Creel all rights reserved ©2013
Grains of wheat in an "Opened Pandora's box"
all rights reserved ©2013 written permission is needed to duplicate
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel. Consultation of a medical professional is highly recommended before any changes are considered. This article is not saying anyone person in a leadership position is unhealthy or healthy, it is just a possibly of many and is only speaking in general terms. .Note: No company mentioned in this article is considered to serve “healthy or unhealthy” food, any examples given was only used as an example of how business works though their history and public information. The focus is only to help explain a idea. Statements and conclusions of any study authors that are presented are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Cynthia G. Creel or any means the information is published. There is no representation or warranty as to their accuracy or reliability.
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(1) http://www.aphis.usda.gov/newsroom/2013/05/ge_wheat_detection.shtml
(2) http://www.sciencemag.org/content/304/5674/1088.1.short
(3) http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/may/29/oregon-genetically-modified-wheat-monsanto
(4) http://lifeisgoodbydesign.blogspot.com/2013/05/one-company-can-affect-world-are.html
(5) http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/05/30/us-wheat-asia-idINBRE94T0JA20130530