Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Eating disorders no discrimination for young and old alike Are we creating our own problems with ads that sell sex, beauty and happiness?"

"Eating disorders no discrimination for young and old alike

Are we creating our own problems with ads that sell sex, beauty and happiness?"

 ~ Cynthia G. Creel

I look at the women, young, teens, young adults, mid life adults and elderly.  It seems many have difficulties with food and the feeling of being satiated, too hungry or never hungry. There are thin and heavy women who seem to share one difficulty the appropriated consumption of food. This can affect men also. 

According to Dr. Cynthia Bulk interviewed on CBS This Morning (1)  in the past 10 years eating disorder treatment centers have seen a nearly a 50% increase in the people using their services. That's 40% to 50% increase in people over the age of 35. 

This seems to be a symptom of a larger problem in America of everyone consumed about their weight. The industry for weight lost is large bringing in Billions. In The article "Weight Watchers: Putting women in "chains"? Is it enough just to loose the weight? Just say No." (2) if their formula for weight lost in imperfect only taking in consideration  fat, carbohydrates, protein and fiber, where is the health coming from? Weight Watchers brings in  $1.83 billion in one year. If they imply you will do fine and you can be "bad" on your diet eating the "extra large" things in the world  and a beautiful actress is talking how good she looks and how good she feels is that right? Does that lead to some of the problems we have with this new challenge of so many with eating disorders?

Could the beauty, fashion, fast food, and food industries each contribute in their own way? It is typical to see a thin, beautiful girl for beauty, fashion, fast food and food industries. After all Coke is happiness, Diet coke has zero calories  Do these imply that you will be happiest thin and won't gain weight? The vanity sizing in the fashion industry keeps the person thinking they are still a size 12 even thought the material stretchy or the waist size is larger now because they increased it but left the size the same. More inches in the waist from more material or stretchy material gives an imply that the person is still the same. When a fast food place advertiser the fact The main message wrapped around the visual  "The simple joy of making the grade." What do all of these things have in common is that they do not talk about the quality of the product or how healthy the product is, or if it is truly going to help you be healthy they only imply you are the same, you will be happy, you will be thin, you will loose weight and it won't matter if you are bad you can still loose weight.

I think companies walk a fine line, if it wasn't legal they would be sued  it doesn't make it something that will help us all do better in the long run, reaching for True Health. It sells the product they are advertising. Is it time to demand more from companies and just say no to the bad and yes to the good?

Do many products and companies contribute to our newest challenge that eats up time, money and resources?  I do believe if a person has True Health then they do better and use less resources in the long run. Excess weight  is hard on the body. Vote with every dollar to buy what is going to help you and give companies the message to create different products that make them profit and help others do better then before. Stepping on to the Path of True health helps each person help themselves and help others help themselves. It is up to each person to decide what is right for them, if they want to support a business or any products. We do have the power to change the world if we work together. As anyone seen the coffee bags that are like tea bags? 

By Design ~ “Life is good By Design”

Photo by Cynthia G. Creel all rights reserved ©2013

All rights reserved ©2013 written permission is needed to duplicate
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of By Design or Cynthia G. Creel. Consultation of a medical professional is highly recommended before any changes are considered. This article is only offering a different  point of view of programs offered and is up to each person to decide what is right for them. What is healthy or unhealthy needs to be determined by each person and a medical care professional.There is only information and ideas we are not saying any company is doing anything wrong in advertising or the products they offer. That is for each person to decide. 

Are they really selling hamburgers? 

Is she selling eat bad and still feel good, thin is all that matters?

Is Coke selling happiness and how can you not help the polar bears? Why can't they just make a donation and not tie the donation to direct sales?

Could Dove be doing things right? Are the products good for you and help the environment?



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